Phone: +91 9000200717, +91 9618182456

Annadanam Seva

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KalaBhairava Guru Sansthan Mutt, as a non-profit organization, conducts various service activities to uplift the lives of the people physically, socially and spiritually. To balance all of this, the most important thing of all is food. Under the auspices of our Math, Annadananam and Annadanam at Hunger, a sacred food offering is provided to those who come to the Math, to the many hungry people on the banks of the Godavari, and to about five thousand people for 30 days. This most important donation will help them to develop their lives spiritually and respect the roots of Indian orthodox religion. Annadanam is performed every Sunday at the Kalabhairava Swamy Temple on the banks of the Godavari on the days of the Shuddha Ashtami Multiple Ashtami New Moon, and on other days by vehicle. Bhiksha means offering.

Over the past few years, kalabhairava Guruji has reached out to many as the monastery has been miraculously expanded into a spiritual field by devotees and devotees from all over the world. As more and more people are touched by spirituality, there are many powerful opportunities that the monastery offers while cultivating a spiritual quest.

Our Math Manage Services:
1. Bharatiya Sanatana Dharma Kalabhairava Tatva Pracharseva
2. Free Visual Service
3. Free water anointing service
4. Free breakfast service
5. Free Funds Service
6. Free Annaprasadaseva Mobile Annadana service
7. Free naming service for children
8. Free magical preaching service
9. Free Horoscope Compensation Service
10. Matripritru Padapooja campaign service
11. Free Kalabhairava idol distribution, prestige service
12. Provides services such as Kalabhairava Green India etc.

he number of men and women coming to receive will increase. As the number of devotees grows, so does the need for resources to support it. It is the will of kaalabhairavaGuru that everyone should experience a life of perfect health and spiritual bliss. Participate and get the opportunity to donate on your chosen birthday, wedding anniversary or any other important occasion in your life.

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call + 91-9618182456, + 91-9000200717 for more information.